Category Archives: The Speyside Way

The Speyside Way is one of Scotland’s long distance trails. It runs from Buckie, following the route of the River Spey, south westwards to Aviemore and onwards to Kincraig. Approx 116km.

Jennifer, Me and Keara Makes Three

Message received…”Falling like flies. Elle called off, just me and thee”. I looked out the window and thought, strange, it’s trying blue sky here. I reported back the weather forecast and agreed on a start time. Over my bowl of … Continue reading

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A Trip Down Memory Lane

I drive around these roads all the time but it’s only when you get from behind the wheel and put on your boots do you really “see” how lucky we are to be surrounded by such beautiful scenery in Speyside. … Continue reading

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So What Happens Now?

This Easter sees me finally handover my fundraising to two charities. I will have raised in excess of £4000 including Gift Aid, with over £2500 going to Moray Women’sAid and the rest to WaterAid. After a year of walking well over … Continue reading

Posted in The Dava Way, The Moray Way, The Speyside Way, Walking, Walking in Moray | Comments Off on So What Happens Now?

Boris Blogs for Boot Steps

“Fancy a walk, Boris?”. Well what Boxer doesn’t fancy a walk on a sunny day? So I am packed into the boot with rucksack and my water and a snack to keep my energy up (Sausage and Chicken courtesy of … Continue reading

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