Category Archives: Walking

Ten Things You May Encounter on a Trekker Walk

Hey, did I say? I am in training for the Rota Vicentina in Portugal. Ok, not the whole 450 km. But still a decent 110 km or so.  In exactly one months time I will have my bag and rucksack … Continue reading

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Jennifer, Me and Keara Makes Three

Message received…”Falling like flies. Elle called off, just me and thee”. I looked out the window and thought, strange, it’s trying blue sky here. I reported back the weather forecast and agreed on a start time. Over my bowl of … Continue reading

Posted in The Moray Way, The Speyside Way, Walking, Walking in Moray | Comments Off on Jennifer, Me and Keara Makes Three

Reflections and RICE

The last couple of weeks have seen me taking more time “out”. No easy task for someone who is literally addicted to her work. By “day” I deal with clients looking to make their event extra special. Be it a … Continue reading

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Thistles and Thoughts

Why does my head insist on trying to drag me away from the moment. The fun. The beauty? I know – mindfulness! Except I just don’t know how to do it.  I thought it was about thinking about things which … Continue reading

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Jumping Jack Roseisle Jellyfish

9.57 miles and over 20,000 steps. Hurrah. My mojo is back. And with it a desire to walk by the sea. Ok, so it’s not a great distance when you consider the distances I have walked. 24 miles in a … Continue reading

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